Archive for 6 September 2011
Men who cry wolf and more
More new writing from 140 And Counting contributors:
Residential Aliens has just published the short story “Men Who Cry Wolf” by Francis W. Alexander. His poems “Snowpire,” “Lil Miss Fran,” and “Scruffs” are in the October issue of Night to Dawn, and he has poems in the August issues (both print and online) of Scifaikuest.
Deborah Walker also has two pieces in that online issue of Scifaikuest.
David C. Kopaska-Merkel has a flash piece in the September issue of Aoife’s Kiss.
Richard Stevenson‘s collection of haiku and senryu for teens, Casting Out Nines is just out from Ekstasis Editions in Victoria, B.C.
6 September 2011
More new writing
140 And Counting contributor Christina Murphy‘s story “Light as a Feather” appeared in Used Furniture Review on August 30, 2011.
6 September 2011