Archive for March, 2014

Hey, how about some contributor news

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted contributor news, since I’ve been pretty busy with our new projects, like the Floodgate Poetry Series, the Soles Series of Stories, our forthcoming 2015 anthology, How to Live on Other Planets: A Handbook for Aspiring Aliens, and another anthology still being formed, co-edited by H. L. Nelson and me, Choose Wisely: 35 Women Up To No Good. I’m pretty psyched about all of these projects.


…on to the news!

Lyn Lifshin, whose Marilyn Monroe: Poems we put back into circulation in December, has a new book of poems, Malala, out from Poetic Matrix Press.


News for Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days contributors:

  • Tina Connolly‘s Copperhead (sequel to the Nebula-nominated Ironskin) came out in November, and her story “On the Eyeball Floor”, which first appeared in Strange Horizons, came out in translation in the Argentinian magazine La Idea Fija. Her “Flash Bang Remember,” co-written with Caroline M. Yoachim, was featured in StarShipSofa 320.
  • Seth Fried‘s story “Hello Again” is in the Spring 2014 issue of Tin House (and you’ll have to buy a copy to read it).
  • Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum‘s poetry collection Ghost Gear, a 2013 Miller Williams Poetry Prize finalist, was released by University of Arkansas Press.
  • Tessa Mellas has a new book of short fiction, Lungs Full of Noise, out with University of Iowa Press.
  • Chet Weise is the co-editor, with Third Man co-founder Ben Swank, of Language Lessons: Volume 1, the debut book by Third Man Books (a new division of Nashville’s Third Man Records), which was celebrated at AWP. Contributors include Jake Adam York, C.D. Wright, Brian Barker, and me.


And for 140 And Counting contributors:

  • David C. Kopaska-Merkel‘s poem, “Spark,” was in Polu Texni, and his story “A Better Place” is in the December issue of The Fifth Di….

30 March 2014

Open call for submissions for our Soles Series


Announcing an open call for reprint speculative short story submissions for our new short story ebook series, to begin publication in 2014 by Upper Rubber Boot Books. Each story will be published as its own stand-alone title.

Send speculative fiction, including: science fiction, literary stories using SFnal tropes, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic, steampunk, slipstream, alternate history, utopian and dystopian, fantasy, and horror. We’ve listed these genres in descending order of our interest in them: we’re tremendously interested in science fiction, and not as interested in horror (but still willing to read it; genres we’re not willing to read are not listed above at all).

There’s no theme for this series. Publisher and editor Joanne Merriam wants well-written stories with interesting characters doing interesting things, and she has a special interest in feminist writing, LGBTQ writing, writing which reflects alternative lifestyles and diverse characters, writing from traditions outside the English-language publishing world, and writing from the American South and Canadian Maritimes.

  • Word/page count: Between 5,000 and 20,000 words, per story.
  • Payment: Royalties of 15% for ebook sales. (URB generally pays a higher royalty rate for ebook sales, but we’re constrained here by Amazon, where we anticipate making most of our sales — they keep 70% of the cover price for ebooks that sell for under $2.99. Price points may range from $0.99 up, depending on length.)
  • Publication history: Must be previously published, unless it’s a translation, in which case the original must have been published in its original language (and we’d prefer, but do not require, that the translated story be previously published as well). Non-exclusive reprint rights must be available. Unpublished works may be submitted by invitation only. In the case of this series, we also ask that the work not be available for free anywhere online (it’s okay if it used to be, as long as it isn’t now and won’t be in the future).
  • Multiple submissions: Up to 3 stories may be submitted at a time.
  • Simultaneous submissions: Since we will be asking for non-exclusive rights, this is fine as long as the other market is also non-exclusive; please note that this means we will expect you not to withdraw a submission because it has been accepted elsewhere.
  • Deadline: None. This is an ongoing series.


To submit: Send to joanne at upperrubberboot dot com:

  • your complete manuscript as a .RTF (if submitting more than one story, please submit separate .RTFs for each story)
  • a bio of 100 words or fewer
  • a description of the story of 100 words or fewer, suitable for display on Amazon/B&N/iStore/etc. (no spoiling the ending!) should your work be accepted
  • a listing of previous publication credit(s) for the work
  • if your story was ever reviewed, quotes of the reviews will be helpful

Put “SOLES” in the subject line to defeat my spam filter.

If the work is a translation, please also provide a statement from the rights holder that you are authorized to translate it.

28 March 2014


March 2014

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