Posts filed under ‘Intermittent Visitors’

“I’m wary of writing advice, I have to say, because I find it tends to make me think I’m doing lots of stuff badly and that’s a creativity killer.”

Intermittent Visitors: Simon Kewin interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

21 December 2013

I’m fairly certain thirtysomething men living in Brooklyn are issued Bukowski and Carver books by the State Department. And I fall in line.

Intermittent Visitors: Lucas Stensland interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

4 December 2013

I also write aided by many cups of tea.

Intermittent Visitors: Kasey Jueds interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

29 October 2013

So I kept researching, and found out that great whites are part of a group of sharks called requiem sharks. REQUIEM SHARKS.

Intermittent Visitors: Karen Skolfield interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

22 September 2013

Sarah Schulman, who was my advisor for two semesters at Goddard, once said in a letter, “If it doesn’t hurt, you aren’t doing it right.” Oddly enough, I got the same advice from my friend Carter Stevens, former publisher of the S&M News.

Intermittent Visitors: David M. Harris interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

15 September 2013

“I write myself into the parts of the world that I don’t understand.”

Intermittent Visitors: Shane Rhodes interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

7 July 2013

I’ve found that anything and everything–from book reviewing to doing a prison workshop to editing and interviewing–has a positive effect on my own work, gives me new ideas, and makes me feel less isolated as a writer.

Intermittent Visitors: Wendy Vardaman and Christine Klocek-Lim, both interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

19 May 2013

sound is of critical importance in poetry

Intermittent Visitors: Daniel McGinn interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

6 May 2013

“Try to write poems at least one person in the room will hate.” – Marvin Bell

Intermittent Visitors: Joshua Robbins; Mary Alexandra Agner; Brynn Saito; Jeannine Hall Gailey all interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

26 April 2013

I don’t truly understand anything until I’ve written about it.

Intermittent Visitors: Iris Jamahl Dunkle interviewed by Joanne Merriam.

11 April 2013

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