Posts tagged ‘David Allan Barker’

“I can’t help but sense a clear mind behind the words working to deliver a clear message.”

The always thoughtful David Allan Barker of Nouspique has posted a review of Peg Duthie‘s Measured Extravagance which says, in part:

A life lived within the measure of its confines is no life at all, but a life lived with extravagance becomes more than the sum of its years. So we have, in “Extravagance”, another mother, like the clipped mother we already met, but she surprises us:

And yet, on the Fourth of July,
the flashiest, wickedest rockets
arrive in a wrinkled paper bag:
as they soar, whistle, and burn,
flinging sparks across the night,
Mrs. Dianna stands in the yard,
her face alight. Such a feast.

Just as fresh insight can burst from the traditional forms of poetry, so life can burst its limits with moments of wonder and delight that suspend us in time.

  • ISBN 978-1-937794-14-9 (epub) is available for iPad, Nook, etc. at Barnes & Noble, Goodreads and kobo.
  • ISBN 978-1-937794-12-5 (mobi) is available for Kindle on Amazon (US, UK, DE, FR, IT, ES).
  • ISBN 978-1-937794-13-2 (pdf) is available at Smashwords.

20 April 2012

With poem titles like Making Time, Devolution, Entropy, Relativity, Dark Matter, and with an epigraph from Carl Sagan, and references to Mastodons, petroglyphs and quantum states, one might expect to find a collection of science-nerd poems. But science itself has changed (and maybe rescued poetry in the process). We don’t live in a deterministic universe of Newtonian mechanics. Yes, “The world / wheels toward the inevitable”. But we live in a universe of unobservable observations and strange attractions. The path to the inevitable is not fixed.

nouspique reviews poetry chapbook Blueshifting by Heather Kamins!

2 February 2012


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