Posts tagged ‘Christina Nguyen’
hundreds of gourds
Wild celebration and exhaustion at Casa URB this week, because our Kickstarter campaign for Apocalypse Now has reached its goal! It’s still active until noon Central on Monday, and we’re hoping to make enough extra to print 250 extra books, to be able to sell them at some readings we have tentatively planned for Denver and Nashville and maybe some other places, and at the party we’ll be throwing at the AWP conference in March. | ![]() |
If you’re only interested in an ebook copy, this is still a good time to get it, because it’ll cost you $2 less than if you wait until it’s out on Amazon, B&N, the iStore, etc. (Our authors still get their regular royalties despite the discount, so no worries about exploitation. The only entities missing out are the corporations that run the online bookstores, which normally take 30 to 35% of the cover price.)
Apocalypse Now contributor Margaret Atwood was awarded the title of Companion of Literature, the highest honour in the Royal Society of Literature, on November 28th. A recording of her remarks will be available sometime in December in the RSL Library.
Vineland, New Jersey’s Cumberland County College is hosting Joyce Carol Oates as part of their One Book-One College reading campaign, on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 7 p.m. It’s free and open to the public.
A Hundred Gourds has posted their December issue, with lots of 140 And Counting contributors in it: Jim Kacian is pictured at the 2012 Haiku Festival Aotearoa in Tauranga, New Zealand with one of his poems on the Haiku Pathway and in a Katikati pub; the issue contains haiku and tanka by Helen Buckingham (1, 2, 3), Chen-ou Liu (1, 2, 3, 4), Peter Newton (1, 2, 3, 4), and Christina Nguyen (1, 2); and, finally, John McManus has written a review of T.D Ingram‘s haiku ebook Hiss of Leaves.
Other news for 140 And Counting contributors: Miriam Sagan‘s short story “M.I.A.” appeared in issue 4 of Literary Orphans; Darusha Wehm‘s story “The Care and Feeding of Mammalian Bipeds, v. 2.1” was in Escape Pod on November 15th; and The Haiku Foundation has posted their Video Haiga #7: radium by Jim Kacian:
1 December 2012
Couplets – April 23
Here are today’s entries:
- Featured “Couplets” Poet: Julene Tripp Weaver (at Christina Nguyen’s A wish for the sky…)
- Margaret Dornaus (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose))
ETA: And I missed one from yesterday! Guest Post by Stella Pierides (at Sabra Wineteer’s The Bloomin’ Blog).

23 April 2012
Couplets – April 21
I missed this entries from yesterday’s Couplets roundup:
Here are today’s entries:
- Statistics — math to improve man’s lot (Mary Alexandra Agner at JoAnne Growney’s Intersections — Poetry with Mathematics)
- The Scruff of Poetry (Christina Nguyen at Mary Alexandra Agner’s Pantoums & Persistence)
- Couplets Blog Tour: Opening the Dream Cabinet with Guest Ann Fisher-Wirth (at Celia Lisset Alvarez’s Writing with Celia)
- Deb Scott (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose))

21 April 2012
Couplets – April 19

I missed this entry from yesterday:
Here are today’s entries:
- Featured “Couplets” Poet: Cara Holman (at Christina Nguyen’s A wish for the sky…)
- I tend to approach poems as puzzles. (Kate Buckley at Joanne Merriam)
- Andrea Grillo (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose))
19 April 2012
Couplets – April 17

I missed this entry from day before yesterday:
- Statistics — a lament (Robert J. MacG. Dawson at JoAnne Growney’s Intersections — Poetry with Mathematics)
Here are today’s entries:
- Couplets Poetry Tour & Sharing Your Story (Renee Emerson at Michele Fischer’s Finding Your Voice)
- beauty and its role in all of this (Wendy Babiak at Joanne Merriam)
- National Poetry Month: Guest Post #11, Annie Juhl . . . (at Margaret Dornaus’ Haiku-doodle)
- Christina Nguyen (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose))
17 April 2012
Couplets – April 16

- The poet’s process — a guest post by Peg Duthie (at Heather Kamins)
- Inquiring Minds and Other Clichés — Donna Vorreyer (at Christine Klocek-Lim’s November Sky Poetry)
- Featured “Couplets” Poet: Mary Rose Betten (at Christina Nguyen’s A wish for the sky…)
- National Poetry Month: Guest Post #10, Sanjukta Asopa . . . (at Margaret Dornaus’ Haiku-doodle)
- Marie Marshall (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose))
16 April 2012
Couplets – April 12

- Ojibway Poet Heid Erdrich and the Craft of Writing (at Wendy Brown-Baez’s Wendy’s Muse)
- 3 Questions for Mary Alexandra Agner (at Miriam Sagan’s Miriam’s Well: Poetry, Land Art, and Beyond)
- Couplets Blog Tour: “Why Getting Small Details Right Matters,” by Pat Valdata (at Celia Lisset Alvarez’s Writing with Celia)
- James Brush (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose))
- Featured “Couplets” Poet: Sue Burke (at Christina Nguyen’s A wish for the sky…)
- National Poetry Month: Guest Post #9, Andrea Grillo . . . (at Margaret Dornaus’ Haiku-doodle)
ETA: Math or poetry — must one choose? (Eveline Pye at JoAnne Growney’s Intersections — Poetry with Mathematics).
12 April 2012
Couplets – April 10

- guest post: poems by Christina Nguyen (at Peg Duthie’s zirconium)
- National Poetry Month: Guest Post #7, Claire Everett (at Margaret Dornaus’ Haiku-doodle)
- Kirsten Cliff (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose))
ETA: Measured Extravagance by Peg Duthie (a review) (at Renee Emerson’s This Quiet Hour).
10 April 2012
Couplets – April 4th

- Start with a number . . . (Sonja deVries, Yael Flusberg, Janine Harrison, Jaime Lee Jarvis, and Margaret Rozga at JoAnne Growney’s Intersections — Poetry with Mathematics)
- Couplets Blog Tour: Carol Berg Hosts Peg Duthie (at Ophelia Unraveling)
- Christina Nguyen (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose)).
- National Poetry Month: Guest Post #4, Christina Nguyen (at Margaret Dornaus’ Haiku-doodle)
- Featured “Couplets” Poet: Margaret Dornaus (at Christina Nguyen’s A wish for the sky…)
And from late yesterday:
- Couplets: a multi-author poetry blog tour — Marty Smith (at Shiteki Na Usagi [T.A. Smith/Yousei Hime])
4 April 2012