Key to the City
11 August 2012
The LGBTQ Speculative Poetry issue of Eye to the Telescope contains work by 140 And Counting contributors Julie Bloss Kelsey, Deborah P Kolodji, Robert Borski and Marge B. Simon.
In addition, Ken Liu‘s story “The Bookmaking Habits of Select Species” appears in the August 2012 Lightspeed; Berit Ellingsen has a report (“Happy Food!“) in Safety Pin Review about wearing Chad Patton’s story (safety pinned to himself) at a local food festival, and Tess Almendarez Lojacono has been awarded the Key to the City of Pittsburgh!:
Finally, Peter Newton was recently asked by dylan tweney to co-edit (with Kathe Palka) tinywords—with over 3000 daily subscribers from all over the globe, tinywords is the most widely distributed journal of micropoetry, and Peter says they’re currently looking for submissions for their next issue
Entry filed under: News. Tags: 140 And Counting, Berit Ellingsen, Deborah P. Kolodji, Julie Bloss Kelsey, Kathe Palka, Ken Liu, Marge Simon, Peter Newton, Robert Borski, Tess Almendarez Lojacono.