Dinosaur rodeos
4 July 2012
140 And Counting contributor news:
Robert Borski‘s poem “At the Dinosaur Rodeo” is up at Abyss & Apex
Dawn Corrigan‘s “Snakes in the Drains” is at Best Poem: A Poetry Journal.
“Sweet Honesty,” “At a Sushi Bar on Mount Carmel,” “Every Angel Is Terrifying,” “Neither Fire Nor Water” and “Compact” by Peg Duthie are up at Escape Into Life with intriguing illustrations by Karen Miller.
Berit Ellingsen‘s flash fiction piece “Sexual Dimorphism — A Nightmare Transcribed From Sanskrit” is in elimae.
The 7th edition (“Moon Imaginings”) of Poetry Planet is live and downloadable on www.StarShipSofa.com and includes David C. Kopaska-Merkel‘s poetry at 1:02:15.
Ken Liu‘s short story “Real Faces” appears in the July/August Fantasy & Science Fiction.
Nora Nadjarian‘s poem “The Name” is unFold’s 2012 Poetry Garden Show winner:
Marge Simon‘s story “The Skyman’s Daughter” is up at White Cat Publications.
Finally, editor Joanne Merriam‘s poem “Auto Biographies” (from The Glaze from Breaking) is the Winner of the July 2012 Goodreads Poetry Contest—look for it in their July 2012 newsletter.
Entry filed under: News. Tags: 140 And Counting, Berit Ellingsen, David Kopaska-Merkel, Dawn Corrigan, Joanne Merriam, Ken Liu, Marge Simon, Nora Nadjarian, Peg Duthie, Robert Borski, The Glaze from Breaking.