a little shine left
15 February 2013
Okay, ducklings. Save the date! We’ve set up two Apocalypse Now readings for Saturday the 1st of June—one at 11 am at the Main Branch of the Nashville Public Library (which, if you’ve never been, is a gorgeous modern classical building that’s all limestone and marble with loads of light inside) and the other in the early afternoon at East Side Story (a great bookstore in East Nashville).
Other news! For Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days contributors: Margaret Atwood will be on the Giller Prize jury and was recently on The Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor; and Joyce Carol Oates will headline the 15th Annual Get Lit! Festival in Spokane, WA.
And for 140 And Counting contributors: Jim Kacian won second runner-up for the 2012 Readers’ Choice Awards for The Heron’s Nest; Ken Liu‘s “The Message” is at StarShipSofa; and Peter Newton‘s haiku is at Issa’s Untidy Hut.
Entry filed under: News. Tags: 140 And Counting, Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days, Jim Kacian, Joyce Carol Oates, Ken Liu, Margaret Atwood, Peter Newton.