Posts tagged ‘Miriam Sagan’
[Miriam] Sagan’s poems filled my eyes so much that the rest of my senses began to ache in comparison.
Carboniferous Layer of Life, a book review by Mary Alexandra Agner. |
28 January 2013
hundreds of gourds
Wild celebration and exhaustion at Casa URB this week, because our Kickstarter campaign for Apocalypse Now has reached its goal! It’s still active until noon Central on Monday, and we’re hoping to make enough extra to print 250 extra books, to be able to sell them at some readings we have tentatively planned for Denver and Nashville and maybe some other places, and at the party we’ll be throwing at the AWP conference in March. |
If you’re only interested in an ebook copy, this is still a good time to get it, because it’ll cost you $2 less than if you wait until it’s out on Amazon, B&N, the iStore, etc. (Our authors still get their regular royalties despite the discount, so no worries about exploitation. The only entities missing out are the corporations that run the online bookstores, which normally take 30 to 35% of the cover price.)
Apocalypse Now contributor Margaret Atwood was awarded the title of Companion of Literature, the highest honour in the Royal Society of Literature, on November 28th. A recording of her remarks will be available sometime in December in the RSL Library.
Vineland, New Jersey’s Cumberland County College is hosting Joyce Carol Oates as part of their One Book-One College reading campaign, on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at 7 p.m. It’s free and open to the public.
A Hundred Gourds has posted their December issue, with lots of 140 And Counting contributors in it: Jim Kacian is pictured at the 2012 Haiku Festival Aotearoa in Tauranga, New Zealand with one of his poems on the Haiku Pathway and in a Katikati pub; the issue contains haiku and tanka by Helen Buckingham (1, 2, 3), Chen-ou Liu (1, 2, 3, 4), Peter Newton (1, 2, 3, 4), and Christina Nguyen (1, 2); and, finally, John McManus has written a review of T.D Ingram‘s haiku ebook Hiss of Leaves.
Other news for 140 And Counting contributors: Miriam Sagan‘s short story “M.I.A.” appeared in issue 4 of Literary Orphans; Darusha Wehm‘s story “The Care and Feeding of Mammalian Bipeds, v. 2.1” was in Escape Pod on November 15th; and The Haiku Foundation has posted their Video Haiga #7: radium by Jim Kacian:
1 December 2012
eating alone
140 And Counting contributor news:
Lyrical Press has released L. K. Below‘s contemporary romance novel Beauty in His Bed.
Mike Meginnis and Berit Ellingsen have collaborated to write “Your Very Own Planet,” part of Meginnis’ text adventure EXITS ARE.
Alex Campbell has posted a detailed review of Neil Ellman‘s Convergence & Conversion: Ekphrastic Poems.
Some of Chen-ou Liu‘s senryu have been translated at Akita International Haiku Network. Also, his My Pond Calling Out to Basho’s Frog: Selected Frog Haiku is available at Scribd. It was written in response to Basho’s haiku:
The old pond;
A frog jumps in —
The sound of the water.
Ken Liu‘s “The Caretaker” is being read at Escape Pod.
Maya Malhar‘s story “Marred” was a runner-up in the 1000words inaugural #flashcomp (the five winning stories, but not the runners-up, are posted on the linked site).
An excerpt from Nora Nadjarian‘s micronovel “The Republic of Love” has been posted by Contemporary World Literature.
Kathy Uyen Nguyen and Lucas Stensland have short poems in the July issue of Four and Twenty.
Stella Pierides has been busy! She has haiku in Haiku News (“global warming…” and “did you miss“) and in multiverses (“eating alone“), senryu in Prune Juice (“rice paper“), and haibun in Contemporary Haibun Online (“Feeding the Doves” and “The Haircut“).
Miriam Sagan has two poems about water in the Duke City Fix feature The Sunday Poem.
29 July 2012
Road Trips to the Moon
140 And Counting contributors:
Neil Ellman has two poems in Pyrokinection and another in featherlit.
Ken Liu has been interviewed by SF Signal.
C. Martinez‘s “Muse” has been recorded by Xe Sands.
Stella Pierides has a poem in Haiku News, and one of her haiku was one of the three Dottie Dot Awards of the June full moon viewing party of the Haiku Bandit Society. She’s also joined the The Haiku Foundation’s poet registry.
Finally, if you’re anywhere close to Santa Fe, check out Teresa Neptune and Miriam Sagan‘s collaboration “Road Trips to the Moon” at 6 pm on Friday, July 13 at the New Mexico History Museum Auditorium.
21 June 2012
Written in fire
The Tennessee Women’s Theater Project‘s sixth annual Women’s Work features 140 And Counting contributor Gwendolyn Joyce Mintz‘s The Story of my Life (So Far?) at the Looby Theatre in Nashville on May 17th at 7:30 pm.
Other 140 And Counting contributor news:
Miriam Sagan‘s poetry has been given wings by artist Christy Hengst — their show Wendover Landing opens at 516 Gallery, 516 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. See a preview at Miriam’s Well.
Neil Ellman‘s poetry appeared with an interview in The South Townsville micro poetry journal on May 1st. Chen-ou Liu‘s haiku appeared on May 2nd in Issa’s Untidy Hut: the poetry blog for Lilliput Review. |
And one we missed when it came out: Ken Liu‘s touching short story “Memories of My Mother,” from the March 19th Daily Science Fiction.
6 May 2012
Couplets – April 22
Here are today’s entries:
- 3 Questions for Heather Kamins (at Miriam Sagan’s Miriam’s Well: Poetry, Land Art, and Beyond)
- Inquiring Minds and Other Clichés — David W. Landrum (at Christine Klocek-Lim’s November Sky Poetry).
- Couplets: a multi-author poetry blog tour — Angie Werren (at T.A. Smith/Yousei Hime’s Shiteki Na Usagi)
- Yousei Hime (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose))
22 April 2012
Couplets – April 12
- Ojibway Poet Heid Erdrich and the Craft of Writing (at Wendy Brown-Baez’s Wendy’s Muse)
- 3 Questions for Mary Alexandra Agner (at Miriam Sagan’s Miriam’s Well: Poetry, Land Art, and Beyond)
- Couplets Blog Tour: “Why Getting Small Details Right Matters,” by Pat Valdata (at Celia Lisset Alvarez’s Writing with Celia)
- James Brush (at Angie Werren’s feathers: micropoetry (and tinyprose))
- Featured “Couplets” Poet: Sue Burke (at Christina Nguyen’s A wish for the sky…)
- National Poetry Month: Guest Post #9, Andrea Grillo . . . (at Margaret Dornaus’ Haiku-doodle)
ETA: Math or poetry — must one choose? (Eveline Pye at JoAnne Growney’s Intersections — Poetry with Mathematics).
12 April 2012