Posts tagged ‘140 And Counting’

“Nothing. I just punch you in the head as hard as I possibly can.”

The 2012 Strange Horizons Fund Drive is on! Lots of URB anthology contributors have been published by SH over the years, as well as URB’s editor. Authors may be interested to see that a $100 donation can get your book reviewed (though you might not like what they have to say). They have lots of other prizes as well, including a few anthologies from yours truly.

Speaking of URB anthology contributors…

News for 140 And Counting contributors: Chen-ou Liu‘s haiku is up at Issa’s Untidy Hut; and, finalists for the 2012 SFPA Dwarf Stars Award (for the best short-short speculative poem published in the last year) included a ton of my people: Elizabeth Barrette, Robert Borski, Jim Kacian, Julie Bloss Kelsey, David Kopaska-Merkel, Aurelio Rico Lopez III and Marge Simon.

News for Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days contributors: Pinckney Benedict was interviewed recently for both Red Room and Pif, and Kristin Bock‘s OMG-why-didn’t-I-think-of-that-title poem, “I WISH I COULD WRITE A POEM ABOUT POLE-VAULTING ROBOTS” was published October 1st at Verse.

Finally, URB editor Joanne Merriam has a guest blog at Novel Conceptions on beginning a novel.

7 October 2012

for anyone who passes

News for 140 And Counting contributors:River,” a short story by Richard Baldasty, is in the Fall 2012 issue of Ray’s Road Review; Julie Bloss Kelsey tells me her scifaiku poem “the perfect evening” was nominated for the 2012 Dwarf Stars Award and will appear in the upcoming anthology (congratulations!); the September 2012 issue of Heron’s Nest includes work by Andrew O. Dugas and Peter Newton; Chuck Von Nordheim‘s “Kelsy Copes With Her Husband’s Choise” was in Every Day Poets this week; aaaaand, the Science Fiction Poetry Association has posted a Halloween Poetry Reading which includes work by David C. Kopaska-Merkel. (In related news, URB editor Joanne Merriam will be guest-editing the April issue of the SFPA’s Eye to the Telescope; they’ll announce my theme and guidelines in January.)


News for Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days contributors: Margaret Atwood will discuss her life and work on November 28th at The Royal Society of Literature; and Seth Fried will give a reading this Friday (October 5th), 7 p.m. at The Hinge Gallery, 410 N. Newstead Ave., Suite 4W, in St. Louis.

30 September 2012

Nashville Reads

News for 140 And Counting contributors:

Chen-ou Liu‘s “Maple Moon and Cherry Blossom: Selected Bilingual Haiku and Tanka” was featured on the Akita International Haiku network and translated into Japanese by Hidenori Hiruta.

Jonathan Pinnock‘s short story “The Joy Inside” has been shortlisted for the Bridgport Prize. He says, “this news should be tempered by the fact that there are apparently around a hundred stories on that shortlist” so this is more of a long list, but out of more than 6,000 entries, it’s still impressive.


News for Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days contributors:

Margaret Atwood‘s The Handmaid’s Tale has been chosen for the Nashville Reads program, a new reading initiative to create a shared reading experience. Since Upper Rubber Boot Books is based in Nashville, we’re especially excited about this. We’ll be at the free public lecture by Atwood on October 27th. She has also won the 2012 Nashville Public Library Literary Award.

Darcie Dennigan is reading her work along with Eileen Myles and Matvei Yankelevich, and accompanied by DJ Shaki. This event is free and all ages, at 7 pm on September 27th, at the Yale Marsh Botanical Gardens in New Haven, CT (and it has a Facebook page).

Joyce Carol Oates picked five short story collections that have inspired her over at the Daily Beast.


In other news, we’re still collecting entries for the September Giveaway over at our Facebook page. Five people will win a copy of T.D. Ingram’s haiku chapbook Hiss of Leaves. We currently have two entrants, so your chances are pretty good. To enter, like our Facebook page, share the September giveaway post publicly on your Facebook page, and leave a comment on the giveaway post itself. The giveaway post originally went up September 3rd, but is pinned to the top of the page.

16 September 2012

“Does it matter that a reader doesn’t “like,” in the trivial way in which one might not “like” Chinese food, a classic like “Beowulf”?” – Joyce Carol Oates

I was excited to see this week that the 2012 Hugo Award Winners included Ken Liu (a 140 And Counting contributor) and E. Lily Yu (an Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days contributor)!


News for other 140 And Counting contributors:

Berit Ellingsen weighs in on MIND MELD: Non-Anglo Presence in the Hugo Awards – Is it Possible? at SF Signal.

Chuck Von Nordheim‘s poem “Megan Considers Her ex’s New Girlfriend” is up at drown in my own fears.


News for other Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days contributors:

An interview with Margaret Atwood appears in today’s Denver Post (where I was amused to see them ask her if she’s the Joyce Carol Oates of Canada, given Oates also appears in Apocalypse Now). If you’re in Denver, go see Atwood on Monday at the University of Denver’s Newman Center.

An interview with Joyce Carol Oates appears in this week’s Sunday Book Review in The New York Times.

Three poems by Catherine Pierce were Poem of the Week.

2 comments 9 September 2012


140 And Counting contributors:

Berit Ellingsen‘s “The House Remains” has been included in Red Lemonade’s Hybrid Beasts anthology—and, even more excitingly, Ellingsen’s short story collection, Beneath the Liquid Skin, will be published by firthFORTH Books (an imprint of Queen’s Ferry Press) at the end of the year.

David Kopaska-Merkel‘s poem “Prince of Autumn” appeared in The Pedestal Magazine.

Chen-ou Liu has a haiku in Every Day Poets, Stella Pierides has a haiku in Haiku News, and Alan Summers has haiku in The Temple Bell Stops: Contemporary Poems of Grief, Loss and Change.

Ken Liu has a novelet in the September/October 2012 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.

3 September 2012

being a pantser

140 And Counting contributors: Tess Almendarez Lojacono‘s latest novel, The Golden Age Quest Of Don Miguel Aguilar was a finalist in the Penguin Tarcher Best Artist Contest; Jumping Blue Gods has published “Some Pig,” a poem by Dawn Corrigan; Kaolin Fire has written a guest post for Inkpunks on exploratory writing; A. Jarrell Hayes was recently featured in Baltimore’s City Paper, and his new book Popular Television comprises 17 stories ranging from humor to horror; Peter Newton has 7 fragments in qarrtsiluni this month; Marge Simon‘s Vampires, Zombies & Wanton Souls can be purchased here, if you’re willing to scroll down a little, and her Four Elements (with Rain Graves, Charlee Jacob, and Linda Addison) can be pre-ordered here; and, Alan Summers has work in the new haiku anthology by Iron Press, The Humours of Haiku.

18 August 2012

Key to the City

The LGBTQ Speculative Poetry issue of Eye to the Telescope contains work by 140 And Counting contributors Julie Bloss Kelsey, Deborah P Kolodji, Robert Borski and Marge B. Simon.

In addition, Ken Liu‘s story “The Bookmaking Habits of Select Species” appears in the August 2012 Lightspeed; Berit Ellingsen has a report (“Happy Food!“) in Safety Pin Review about wearing Chad Patton’s story (safety pinned to himself) at a local food festival, and Tess Almendarez Lojacono has been awarded the Key to the City of Pittsburgh!:

Finally, Peter Newton was recently asked by dylan tweney to co-edit (with Kathe Palka) tinywords—with over 3000 daily subscribers from all over the globe, tinywords is the most widely distributed journal of micropoetry, and Peter says they’re currently looking for submissions for their next issue

11 August 2012

On the Brink

140 And Counting contributor news:

C.E. Hyun‘s short story “Fire Season” has appeared in the new magic realist quarterly Swamp Biscuits and Tea

David C. Kopaska-Merkel has another new book out: On the Brink of Never, which we assume is apocalyptic literature, because it’s described such: “The Mayan beliefs included the notion that the world would end on December 21, 2012. For reasons best known to themselves, hordes of modern folk have converted to this ancient religion. Nice going guys! In a spirit of hopelessness and despair, engendered by the realization that a boatload of gullible fools are taking us with them into oblivion, we suggest that, just in case, read this book fast!”

Bad Moon Books is selling signed hardcover limited editions of Four Elements by Marge Simon and three other authors (Rain Graves, Charlee Jacob, and Linda Addison).


Our Facebook August Giveaway is still going on here. There’s a two-step process to enter: “like” Upper Rubber Boot Books’ Facebook page, and then “share” the August Giveaway post, which will be pinned to the top of our Facebook page until the end of the month. Five people will win their choice of mobi, epub or PDF of Blueshifting!

5 August 2012

Girl and Rain

We have an August Giveaway going on right now (and until the end of August) over at Facebook. There’s a two-step process to enter: “like” Upper Rubber Boot Books’ Facebook page, and then “share” the August Giveaway post, which will be pinned to the top of the page until the end of the month. Five people will win their choice of mobi, epub or PDF of Blueshifting!


140 And Counting contributor news:

David Kopaska-Merkel’s Dreams & Nightmares Magazine blog has a listing of The Magazine of Speculative Poetry‘s next issue’s contents, and it includes Robert Borski. Borski also has a new story at Lovecraft eZine.

David Kopaska-Merkel‘s book of poetry for children The Edible Zoo is available for sale from Sam’s Dot Bookstore.

Finally, Nora Nadjarian‘s The Girl and the Rain is just out from Turtleneck Press.

1 August 2012

eating alone

140 And Counting contributor news:

Lyrical Press has released L. K. Below‘s contemporary romance novel Beauty in His Bed.

Mike Meginnis and Berit Ellingsen have collaborated to write “Your Very Own Planet,” part of Meginnis’ text adventure EXITS ARE.

Alex Campbell has posted a detailed review of Neil Ellman‘s Convergence & Conversion: Ekphrastic Poems.

Some of Chen-ou Liu‘s senryu have been translated at Akita International Haiku Network. Also, his My Pond Calling Out to Basho’s Frog: Selected Frog Haiku is available at Scribd. It was written in response to Basho’s haiku:

The old pond;
A frog jumps in —
The sound of the water.

Ken Liu‘s “The Caretaker” is being read at Escape Pod.

Maya Malhar‘s story “Marred” was a runner-up in the 1000words inaugural #flashcomp (the five winning stories, but not the runners-up, are posted on the linked site).

An excerpt from Nora Nadjarian‘s micronovel “The Republic of Love” has been posted by Contemporary World Literature.

Kathy Uyen Nguyen and Lucas Stensland have short poems in the July issue of Four and Twenty.

Stella Pierides has been busy! She has haiku in Haiku News (“global warming…” and “did you miss“) and in multiverses (“eating alone“), senryu in Prune Juice (“rice paper“), and haibun in Contemporary Haibun Online (“Feeding the Doves” and “The Haircut“).

Miriam Sagan has two poems about water in the Duke City Fix feature The Sunday Poem.

29 July 2012

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