Press release: Campbell McGrath in new Floodgate Poetry Series

15 November 2014

15 NOVEMBER 2014

Campbell McGrath in new Floodgate Poetry Series

Campbell McGrath’s Picasso/Mao appears in Floodgate Poetry Series Vol. 1, along with short collections by Jenna Bazzell and Martin Anthony Call. The book will be released November 17 in ebook and softcover editions.

Each Floodgate volume will combine the work of newer writers with established poets. This new book is the first in the series.

“I’m so excited to work with such excellent poets,” said Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum, the series editor. “Bringing together debut collections by Jenna Bazzell and Martin Call with McGrath’s fourteenth book displays the broad range of poetry being written today. That’s what Floodgate is all about.”

Campbell McGrath’s Picasso/Mao is a short collection of poems told from the point of view of the two historical figures, spanning seventy-five years of history. McGrath is the author of twelve collections of poetry, and has been awarded Guggenheim and MacArthur “Genius” Fellowships. He is the Philip and Patricia Frost Professor of Creative Writing at Florida International University. Celebrated poet and novelist Denise Duhamel, who guest edited The Best American Poetry 2013, called his collection “dazzling, and elegantly crafted.”

Jenna Bazzell’s Homeland describes a troubled family life, beginning with a drug deal gone bad, redeemed by time and the pleasures of the natural world. Bazzell won the 2010 AWP Intro Journal Award and has received two Honorable Mentions from the Academy of American Poets Prize, for poems included in the collection.

Martin Anthony Call’s The Fermi Sea explores a near future of urban decay, nanobots and holograms against a backdrop of lost love. Call earned his MFA in Creative Writing from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 2008.

The Floodgate Poetry Series is in the tradition of 18th and 19th century British and American literary annuals, and the Penguin Modern Poets Series of the 1960s and ’70s.

Upper Rubber Boot Books is publishing the series. “Upper Rubber Boot” is Nova Scotian slang for a remote, possibly unhip, probably insignificant place. URB Books was founded in 2011 to give a voice to writers working from a (metaphorically) remote place, and to that end publishes primarily poetry, short story collections, and other books which would have a difficult place finding a home in the publishing world.



Joanne Merriam, Publisher
Upper Rubber Boot Books
PO Box 41232, Nashville TN 37204

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October 2024

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