“Does it matter that a reader doesn’t “like,” in the trivial way in which one might not “like” Chinese food, a classic like “Beowulf”?” – Joyce Carol Oates

9 September 2012

I was excited to see this week that the 2012 Hugo Award Winners included Ken Liu (a 140 And Counting contributor) and E. Lily Yu (an Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days contributor)!


News for other 140 And Counting contributors:

Berit Ellingsen weighs in on MIND MELD: Non-Anglo Presence in the Hugo Awards – Is it Possible? at SF Signal.

Chuck Von Nordheim‘s poem “Megan Considers Her ex’s New Girlfriend” is up at drown in my own fears.


News for other Apocalypse Now: Poems and Prose from the End of Days contributors:

An interview with Margaret Atwood appears in today’s Denver Post (where I was amused to see them ask her if she’s the Joyce Carol Oates of Canada, given Oates also appears in Apocalypse Now). If you’re in Denver, go see Atwood on Monday at the University of Denver’s Newman Center.

An interview with Joyce Carol Oates appears in this week’s Sunday Book Review in The New York Times.

Three poems by Catherine Pierce were Poem of the Week.

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  • 1. Berit Ellingsen  |  9 September 2012 at 3:49 pm

    Thank you very much for including a link to the SF Signal Mind Meld!

    And a collection with both Margaret Atwood and Joyce Carol Oates in it is very impressive!

    Best of luck with the new anthology!

  • 2. Linh  |  10 November 2012 at 10:53 pm

    Thanks for the comments on Oates’ piece in the NYorker. Very monivg. I don’t usually enjoy her novels, not because she isn’t a terrific writer but because they are darker’ than those I prefer.


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