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Broad Knowledge and Sharp & Sugar Tooth promo images (alpha by author):


Kathleen Alcalá, “The Doll’s Eye” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Betsy Aoki, “And When We Die They Will Consume Us” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Charlotte Ashley, “She Falls” (Broad Knowledge)


R. S. Benedict, “Clara Vox” (Broad Knowledge)


Megan Chaudhuri, “First mouse model of Innsmouth Fish-man Syndrome draft 2 USE THIS VERSION – edits by MK.doc” (Broad Knowledge)


Joyce Chng, “Dear Son” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Autumn Christian, “Flowers for Dogman” (Broad Knowledge)


Vida Cruz, “Blushing Blue” (Broad Knowledge)


Sarina Dorie, “The Visitations of Seraphim by Biblical Scholar Father Anthony Maguire” (Broad Knowledge)


L. Timmel Duchamp, “The Forbidden Words of Margaret A.” (Broad Knowledge)


Katharine E. K. Duckett, “Gimme Sugar” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Anahita Eftekhari, “The Fool’s Feast” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Chikodili Emelumadu, “Candy Girl” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Estíbaliz Espinosa, “:: 23 commuter line chromosomes ::” (Broad Knowledge)


Amelia Gorman, “She Makes the Deep Boil” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


A. T. Greenblatt, “Five Meters Ahead, Two Centuries Away” (Broad Knowledge)


Claudine Griggs, “The Cold Waters of Europa” (Broad Knowledge)


Jasmyne J. Harris, “What the Bees Know About Discarded Girlish Organs” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


A. R. Henle, “Strong Meat” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Crystal Lynn Hilbert, “Soul of Soup Bones” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Audrey R. Hollis, “Your Life Will Look Perfect From Afar” (Broad Knowledge)


Erin Horáková, “A Year Without the Taste of Meat” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Joanna Michal Hoyt, “Taking It Back” (Broad Knowledge)


Rebecca Jones-Howe, “Election Season” (Broad Knowledge)


Maggie Maxwell, “Like I Need a Hole in the Head” (Broad Knowledge)


Kathryn McMahon, “The Honey Witch” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Rati Mehrotra, “Make Pretty” (Broad Knowledge)


Teresa P. Mira de Echeverría, “Liquid Glass” (trans. Lawrence Schimel) (Broad Knowledge)


Premee Mohamed, “Below the Kirk, Below the Hill” (Broad Knowledge)


Wendy Nikel, “Maidens of the Sea” (Broad Knowledge)


Julie Nováková, “Frankenstein Sonata” (Broad Knowledge)


Aimee Ogden, “Matched Set” (Broad Knowledge)


Perla Palacios, “Viva La Muñeca” (Broad Knowledge)


Therese Pieczynski, “Three Days, Two Nights” (Broad Knowledge)


Laura E. Price, “Mary in the Looking Glass” (Broad Knowledge)


H. Pueyo, “I Eat” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Clarice Radrick, “The Red” (Broad Knowledge)


Nisi Shawl, “Street Worm” (Broad Knowledge)


Tabitha Sin, “The Donor” (Broad Knowledge)


Angela Slatter, “The Song of Sighs” (Broad Knowledge)


D.A. Xiaolin Spires, “Sunbasker” (Broad Knowledge)


D. A. Xiaolin Spires, “Bristling Skim” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Priya Sridhar, “Tidal Bloom” (Broad Knowledge)


Jae Steinbacher, “Blood Sausage” (Broad Knowledge)


Rachael Sterling, “Alice Underground” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Penny Stirling, “Red, From the Heartwood” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Sonya Taaffe, “Like Milkweed” (Broad Knowledge)


Liz Ulin, “Profanity” (Broad Knowledge)


Catherynne M. Valente, “The Lily and the Horn” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Marie Vibbert, “Infinite Boyfriends” (Broad Knowledge)


Sabrina Vourvoulias, “A Fish Tale” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Damien Angelica Walters, “A Lie You Give, And Thus I Take” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Rem Wigmore, “Who Watches” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Alyssa Wong, “Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Mingzhao Xu, “Think, Baby Turtle” (Broad Knowledge)


Caroline M. Yoachim, “The Carnival Was Eaten, All Except the Clown” (Sharp & Sugar Tooth)


Xin Niu Zhang, “The Ladies in the Moon” (Broad Knowledge)