Archive for 27 July 2014
Open call for submissions for Museum anthology
Announcing an open call for reprint submissions for our upcoming anthology of fiction and poetry, The Museum of All Things Awesome And That Go Boom, to be published in 2016 by Upper Rubber Boot Books.
Editor Joanne Merriam is interested in explosions, adventure, derring-do, swashbuckling, dinosaurs, ray guns, von Neumann machines, fanged monsters, flame-throwing killer robots, chainsaws, antimatter, and blunt force trauma.
She is also interested in writing which explodes our perspective of science fiction itself—literary fiction employing SF tropes, cyberpunk, speculative fiction, magical realism, infernokrusher, etc., are all welcome.
- Word/page count: Up to 10,000 words/story or up to 100 lines/poem.
- Payment: Pro-rated share of 30% royalty for ebook sales and 10% royalty of print book sales; pro-rata share to be based upon page count in the print edition.
- Publication history: Must be previously published, unless it’s a translation, in which case the original must have been published in its original language. Non-exclusive reprint rights must be available (but it’s fine if the work is still available to readers online). Unpublished works may be submitted by invitation only.
- Multiple submissions: Up to 3 stories or 5 poems.
- Simultaneous submissions: Since we will be asking for non-exclusive rights, this is fine as long as the other market is also non-exclusive; please note that this means we will expect you not to withdraw a submission because it has been accepted elsewhere.
- Deadline: 4 January 2015.
- To submit: Send to joanne at upperrubberboot dot com:
(a) your complete manuscript as a .RTF,
(b) a bio of 100 words or fewer, and
(c) a listing of previous publication credit(s) for the work.
Put “Museum SF” in the subject line.
If the work is a translation, please also provide a statement from the rightsholder that you are authorized to translate it.
27 July 2014